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Assessment Services

What is a Psychological Assessment?

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What is Assessment ?

In many ways, psychological testing and assessment are similar to medical tests. If a patient has physical symptoms, a primary care provider may order X-rays or blood tests to understand what's causing those symptoms. The results of the tests will help inform and develop a treatment plan.  Psychological evaluations serve the same purpose. Psychologists use tests and other assessment tools to measure and observe a client's behavior to arrive at a diagnosis and guide treatment.

What Tests do You Administer?

Ability Testing:

Ability/Intelligence Testing Academic Testing Memory Testing Neuropsychological Screening Personality Testing Diagnostic Clarity Assessment ADHD Testing

Achievement Testing:

WIAT®-III (Wechsler Individual Achievement Test®- Third Edition)

WRAT5 (Wide Range Achievement Test, Fifth Edition)

Memory Testing:

WMS-IV (Wechsler Memory Scale- Fourth Edition)

CMS (Children's Memory Scale®) - Selected subtests to complement your Q-interactive battery

Neuropsychological Testing:

RBANS® Update (Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status Update)

Personality Testing:

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form® (MMPI-2-RF®)

Millon® Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-IV (MCMI®-IV)

16pf® Fifth Edition

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory®-2

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory®-Adolescent (MMPI®-A)

Millon® Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI®)

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More Details about Testing

Psychologists administer tests and assessments for a wide variety of reasons. Children who are experiencing difficulty in school, for example, may undergo aptitude testing or tests for learning disabilities. Tests for skills such as dexterity, reaction time and memory can help a neuropsychologist diagnose conditions such as brain injuries or dementia.


If a person is having problems at work or school, or in personal relationships, tests can help a psychologist understand whether he or she might have issues with anger management or interpersonal skills, or certain personality traits that contribute to the problem. Other tests evaluate whether clients are experiencing emotional disorders such as anxiety or depression.


The underlying cause of a person's problems isn't always clear. For example, if a child is having trouble in school, does he or she have a reading problem such as dyslexia? An attention problem such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? Difficulty with impulse control? Psychological tests and assessments allow a psychologist to understand the nature of the problem, and to figure out the best way to go about addressing it.


Psychological tests are not one-size-fits-all. Psychologists pick and choose a specific set of assessments and tests for each individual client. And not just anyone can perform a psychological evaluation. Licensed psychologists are expertly trained to administer assessments and tests and interpret the results.


In many cases, psychologists who administer tests will then treat patients with psychotherapy. Some psychologists focus only on evaluating patients and then refer them to other specialists for treatment after they've made a diagnosis. In either case, the testing and assessment process will help ensure that the client receives treatment that's tailored to his or her individual needs.


If you think you can benefit from this service, please contact Sage to schedule an initial consultation to determine what assessment tools can best meet your needs.

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